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- Create Date November 23, 2016
- Last Updated August 18, 2022
Police Officer Application
The Batesville Police Department is currently accepting applications for the position of Police Officer
- Must be a resident citizen of the United States
- Must be 21 years old to apply and not have reached their 40th birthday by date of appointment
- Must have a high school diploma or GED certificate
- Cannot have a felony conviction
- Cannot have a misdemeanor conviction involving domestic violence
- Must possess a valid driver's license
- Cannot have been dishonorably discharged from the military
- Must pass a mandatory drug screening test
During the hiring process applicants will be required to subject themselves to various forms of background checks, physical fitness testing, written aptitude testing, an interview process, and other testing that may be deemed appropriate.
Applications can be picked up at the police department or online at https://batesvilleindiana.us/police_department
All applications submitted within the past year will be considered.
Resumes will be accepted only if accompanied by an application. Deadline for all applications and resumes is Monday, September 5, 2022.
The City of Batesville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.